Photo of Brezinsky, Kenneth

Kenneth Brezinsky, PhD


Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Building & Room:

Engineering Research Facillities


842 W Taylor St , ERF 2029 , Chicago ,IL 60607

Office Phone:

(312) 996-9430

Selected Grants

Army Research Office, A New Approach to the Combustion Chemistry of Low Cetane Number Jet Fuels, Primary Investigator

Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Pyrolysis and Oxidation Studies of Real Propulsion Fuels., Principal Investigator

Army Research Laboratory, Chemical Identifiers of Army Relevant Fuels, Principal Investigator

Selected Publications

X. Han, J.M. Mehta, K. Brezinsky, Temperature approximations in chemical kinetics studies using single pulse shock tubes, Combust. Flame. 209 (2019) 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.07.022.

Xu, K. Wang, S. Banerjee, J. Shao, T. Parise, Y. Zhu, S. Wang, A. Movaghar, D. J. Lee, R. Zhao, X. Han, Y. Gao, T. Lu, K. Brezinsky, F. N. Egolfopoulos, D. F. Davidson, R. K. Hanson, C. T. Bowman, H. Wang. (2018),“A Physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry – II. Reaction kinetic models of jet and rocket fuels”, Combustion and Flame, 193, 520-537, 2018.

H. Wang, R. Xu, K. Wang, C. T. Bowman, R. K. Hanson, D. F. Davidson, K. Brezinsky, F. N. Egolfopoulos. (2018),“A Physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry – I. Evidence from experiments, and thermodynamic, chemical kinetic and statistical considerations”, Combustion and Flame,. 193, 502-519, 2018.

V. Samu, T. Varga, K. Brezinsky, Turanyi. (2016).“Investigation of ethane pyrolysis and oxidation at high pressures using global optimization based on shock tube data”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36, 691-698, (2016.)

“Shock Tube Studies of Combustion Relevant Elementary Chemical Reactions and Submechanisms,” in Cleaner Combustion: Developing Detailed Chemical Kinetic Models, F. Battin-Leclerc, J. M. Simmie, and E. Blurock, Editors, Chapter 24, pp. 629-652, Springer 2013, (R. S. Tranter and K. Brezinsky).

“The Experimental Evaluation of a Methodology to Surrogate Fuel Formulation for the Emulation of Gas Phase Combustion Kinetic Phenomena by a Theory of Real Fuel Oxidation”, Combustion and Flame (2012), 159(4), 1444-1466, (S. Dooley, S. H.    Won, J. Heyne, T. Farouk, F.L. Dryer, Y. Ju, K. Kumar, X. Hui, C.-J. Sung, H. Wang; M. Oehlschlaeger; R. Santoro, T. Litzinger; V. Iyer, T. Malewicki, K. Brezinsky).

Professional Leadership

Associate Dean,Research and Grad Studies, UIC College of Engineering

Adjunct Professor, UIC, Department of Chemical Engineering

Notable Honors

2018, Fellow of The Combustion Institute, The Combustion Institute

2004, Fellowship Awardee as Foreign Researcher, Minister of Research and Techn., France

2002, Faculty Research Award, UIC College of Engineering


Ph.D., Physical Chemistry
The City University of New York

B.S., (magna cum laude) with Honors in Chemistry
The City College of New York

Professional Memberships

The Combustion Institute, Fellow

Society of Automotive Engineering, Professional Member

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professional Member

Phi Beta Kappa, Member

Toastmasters, Faculty Advisor


Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits

2011, 2009 Ringside World Championship (Boxing), Winner

Toastmasters Competitor