Photo of Mehta, Jai M.

Jai M. Mehta

Graduate Student

Research Assistant / Chemical Hygiene Officer

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Building & Room:

Science and Engineering Laboratories - West


842 W Taylor St , 2039 ERF , Chicago , IL 60607

Office Phone:

(312) 413-1933

CV Download:

Jai Mehta

Related Sites:


Selected Publications


Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering - 2018
University of Illinois at Chicago

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering - 2016
University of Mumbai , Mumbai-India

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - 2013
Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai-India

Professional Memberships

Society of Automotive Engineers - SAE

Combustion Institute


Selected Presentations

Mehta, J M., Abdulrahman M., Sheyyab M., Lynch P T., Brezinsky K. Ignition property prediction model, 3rd CUP Workshop, Madison, WI, November 17-18,2021.

Mehta J M., Brezinsky K. Optimization of shock tube performance in the reaction region at high temperatures and pressures, , 11th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, March 24-27,2019.

Han X., Mehta J M., Brezinsky K., A Revisit of Constant Temperature Approximation in Chemical Kinetics Study Using Single Pulse Shock Tubes with Speciation, 11th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, March 24-27,2019.

Dalmiya, A., Mehta, J M., Laich, A., Lynch P T. High pressure, high flow rate batch mixing apparatus, 11th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, March 24-27,2019.

Research Currently in Progress

Chemicals kinetic study of Natural gas at propulsion relevant conditions.

Modification and optimization of high pressure shock tube.

Analysis of military fuels for development of fuel ignition property sensor.

Analysis of functional group composition of military fuels.

Gas chromatography, mass spectrometer, NMR