Xu Han, PhD
Graduate Student
Research Assistant
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
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Science and Engineering Laboratories
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Selected Publications
“A Numerical Investigation of NOx Emissions from n-Heptane and 1-Heptene Triple Flames”, Spring Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of Combustion Institute, 2012
“A Numerical Investigation of NOx and PAH Emissions from n-Heptane and 1-Heptene Triple Flames” Submitted to Energy & Fuels, 2012.
X. Han, J.M. Mehta, K. Brezinsky, Temperature approximations in chemical kinetics studies using single pulse shock tubes, Combust. Flame. 209 (2019) 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.07.022.
B.Eng , Automation
Southeast University , China
M.S. , Mechanical Engineering
University of Illinois at Chicago
PhD, Mechanical Engineering
University of Illinois at Chicago